片名:人间失格:太宰治和三个女人们百度云盘人间失格 太宰与三个女人

導演: 蜷川實花

編劇: 早船歌江子

主演: 小栗旬 / 宮澤理惠 / 澤尻英龍華 / 二階堂富美 / 成田淩 / 千葉雄大 / 濑戶康史 / 高良健吾 / 藤原龍也 / 壇蜜

類型: 劇情

制片國家/地區: 日本

語言: 日語

上映日期: 2019-09-13(日本)

又名: 人間失格 太宰與三個女人 / No Longer Human / No Longer Human: Dazai Osamu and Three Women

IMDb鏈接: tt10065976



Oguri Shun plays Dazai Osamu who is one of the more popular novelists in Japan. Like most artists he has his vulnerabilities and exposures. In this case, the man is an alcoholic and lustful nomad. In other words, while being married and having promised himself to one he has two harlots on the side.




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