导演: 马克·布鲁蒙德

编剧: 马克·布鲁蒙德 / 妮可·阿姆博斯特

主演: 约纳斯·伯格 / 路易斯·霍夫曼 / 杰拉德·亚历山大·海德 / 施特凡·格罗斯曼 / 马克思·雷迈特 / 乌尔里希·图库尔 / 安娜·布拉德-维尔纳 / 阿克西尔·普拉尔 / 乌韦·博姆 / 马古斯·克罗杰尔

类型: 剧情

制片国家/地区: 德国

语言: 德语

上映日期: 2015-06-25(德国) / 2015-06(上海国际电影节)

片长: 104分钟

又名: 收容所 / Sanctuary

IMDb链接: tt3127698


故事发生在1968年的德国,少年沃尔夫冈(路易斯·霍夫曼 Louis Hofmann 饰)的母亲再嫁,他和继父之间的关系很是紧张,在一场冲突之后,继父将沃尔夫冈送入了感化院之中,沃尔夫冈就此开始了充满了痛苦与折磨的监狱生活。 倔强的沃尔夫冈不愿意沦为残暴统治的奴隶,一次又一次的反抗挣扎换来的却只有伤痕累累,唯一支撑着他的,是记忆中来自母亲的温暖。沃尔夫冈决定和同伴安东(Langston Beckford-Uibel 饰)一起逃跑,两人历经千难万险,最终回到了小镇上。可是,当母亲看见沃尔夫冈时,却并未表现得如他所想象的一般高兴,更残酷的是,没过多久,他便再度被继父和母亲重新送回了感化院。

A young free-minded German 14 year old boy in a northern Lower Saxony province town is in love with his mother. His stepfather identifies him as a competitor, and has him brought to a boarding school run by a Christian organisation. The headmaster is a psychotic person. The headmaster, and his employees want to break him, and all the other boys there as well. Tortured and hard working he decides to flee. Rioting and fearless he flees, makes his way back to his hometown only to find that his mother and stepfather won't believe his story, betray him to extradite him again to the boarding school. After months his stepfather dies unexpected and mama wants him back. There is no way back home - only the away from all the people who betrayed him to find his own way in this world.




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