导演: 蔡成杰

编剧: 蔡成杰

主演: 田天 / 韩建玲 / 赵树林 / 李桂苓 / 郭丰赫 / 温新宇 / 王富有 / 付柄丽 / 冯淑燕

类型: 剧情

制片国家/地区: 中国大陆

语言: 汉语普通话

上映日期: 2018-07-20(中国大陆) / 2017-07-23(FIRST青年影展)

片长: 105分钟 / 140分钟(FIRST青年影展) / 113分钟(中国大陆)

又名: 小寡妇成仙记 / Mirrors and Feathers / The Widowed Witch / Shaman

IMDb链接: tt8306326


一位背着克夫骂名的年轻女子二好,为找到栖身之所,带着自己不会说 话的小叔子(开着面包车在村中四处奔波。他们阴差阳错地被村民奉为“大仙”,生计问题迫在眉睫,小寡妇二好就此走上了替人祛病消灾、祈福祷告的萨满之路。而在经历了村中一系列复杂的勾心斗角,看透了人心险恶后,二好在人性黑洞的边缘挣扎许久,最后迎来了自己的毁灭。

After losing her house and husband, a rural woman leads a stranded life with her 10-year-old brother-in-law in a modified "recreational vehicle". To find a warm place to survive the cold winter, she pretends to be a shaman who can rid villagers of evil spirits, and ironically, her juggled deceits often become real. However, she soon loses her power to people's greed and apathy, and in meagre attempts of salvation, her life story eventually ends in tragedy and disillusion.




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