
导演: 埃里克·侯麦

编剧: 埃里克·侯麦

又名: 人间四季:春 / A Tale of Springtime


主演: Anne Teyssèdre / 休格·奎斯特 / Florence Darel / Eloïse Bennett / Sophie Robin

类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情

制片国家/地区: 法国

语言: 法语

上映日期: 1990-04-04

片长: 108 分钟

IMDb链接: tt0097106


珍妮(Anne Teyssèdre 饰)是一名哲学老师,一日在宴会上,她与娜塔莎(Florence Dare 饰)相识,也许是因为寂寞,两个本无交集的人成为了朋友。娜塔莎邀请珍妮到自己家里做客,后者欣然前往。娜塔莎有一个奇怪的家庭,父亲离婚,交往了一个年龄和自己相差无几的漂亮女朋友伊芙(Eloïse Bennett 饰),这一点令娜塔莎无法接受,同时,一条项链的失踪也加深了她与“后妈”的隔阂。珍妮的介入让这个家庭里的关系发生了改变,娜塔莎的父亲显然对知性的珍妮抱有好感,而娜塔莎也渴望能和喜欢的珍妮组成新的家庭。对于娜塔莎的热情撮合,珍妮显得有些被动,她坚持听从自己内心的感情,不愿掺和到这个复杂的家庭中去。一次四人的乡村度假中,酝酿已久的矛盾终于激发了,娜塔莎同伊芙发生了争吵,而她吃惊的发现自己一直信任的珍妮居然站在敌人的那一边。她该怎么办?在这个春天里,友谊和爱情能否同时播下可以成长的种子呢?

Simple conversations engender complicated human interactions. Jeanne is open and even-tempered, a philosophy teacher at a lycée. Her fiancé is away and she doesn't want to stay at his messy flat; she's loaned hers to a cousin, so she accepts the invitation of Natasha, a music student whom she meets at a party, to sleep in her father Igor's bedroom because he's always with his young girlfriend, Eve. Natasha tells Jeanne a story of a missing necklace and her suspicions of Eve. They all meet at dinner, then again at Igor's country house. Is Natasha scheming to get Igor and Jeanne together alone? Once alone, what determines how they choose to act? And the necklace, what of it?



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